centimeters to millimeters ruler

How to Read a Metric Ruler - Ask.com.
1 cm = 10 mm.
A millimeter ruler is read just like any other type of ruler. The ruler will have. side of your ruler. It will usually be marked with the abbreviation "cm" for centimeter.
Jun 23, 2008. I think the markings on this end of the plastic ruler are the best of the four. It has MM marked next to the millimeter markings and CM next to the.
Count the hash marks between two whole numbers to see that the centimeters divide into ten increments. http://www.ehow.com/how_7541502_read-mm-ruler.
printable millimeter ruler to scale : Printable Centimeter Millimeter.
Changing and checking ruler measurements quickly » Photoshop.
How do you read a ruler in Centimeters? - Yahoo! Answers.
How to Read a Printable Ruler? - Ask.com.

centimeters to millimeters ruler
centimeters to millimeters ruler
How to Read a Millimeter Ruler? - Ask.com.
Mat/Ruler in Centimeter - Make The Cut! Forum.
Chrome Web Store - MM,CM,Inch Converter.
Centimeters or Millimeters | The Metric Maven | Page 2.